Lastly, the longer you stay with your current insurance company, the more benefits you will receive. This time, the rates with all companies will not be as good as they were when you shopped just 6 months before. Therefore, if you have a great rate now, but the rate goes up in six months, you may need to shop insurance once again.
However, if you have been with a company for 2-3 years, your discount is even higher, and it increases after 5 years. If you have been with your company for less than a year, you may not receive any loyalty discount. Is the pricing going to change with the new company at renewal? One important thing to consider is that all companies provide discounts on how long you have been with your previous carrier. Does the new company have user friendly website, apps and opportunities to bundle if you decide to buy a home, boat, golf cart or RV in the future? Consider Stability Is the service and claims experience going to be as good? Progressive has set the standard for great service, technology and speed of claims.
There may always be an option out there that may save you a few dollars per year, but before you make the switch, be sure to think about more than just price. As with many auto insurance companies, your loyalty gives you additional rewards beyond just a great price.